in fashion there are a few moments which stand out as pivotal awakenings. these are marked through design history but with some exception seldom recognised at the time. craig green is one of these moments…
at the london debut show, green struck deep into the fashion community by doing what he does best; creating consciousness. the quiet provocative quality of his work has always generated a lingering introspective hangover and with his signature silhouetted style he poses a near existential challenge. this contemplative element of his latest collection is a powerful reflection of our own interpretations of dark and light. throughout his recent collections he has played with constructions of anonymity and identity often with strong oriental overtones; an ethereal eastern thought revived through his concentration on movement and shape. as a progression he introduces a simple, barefoot collection that echoes with a spiritual nudity and ideas of purity. expanding on his constructions and silhouettes, his animal heads shoot for gq style uk s/s14 may look like the ultimate shadow puppet show but through it his reductionist methodology is clear; the dichotomies of simple and complex rules. although the form of fashion constitutes a way to perceive ourselves and a way to be perceived; craig green succeeds beautifully by not only creating a fashion but a philosophy.