apart from the jokes about him living up to his name, i find the work of anthony gayton highly successful in connecting the more obvious homoerotic themes. all of which are still as valid now as they were then. the compositions of iconic biblical/ mythical characters are characteristically gentle while victorian tenderness and romantic stoicism blends just as sensitively in the portrayals; melodrama seems to follow intentionally throughout, introducing probable familiar narratives in a deliberate clichéd way. even the poetic death sequences have a certain lorca-esque naiveté to them. while some of the works are connected by gayton’s own nostalgic musings, others rely on historical references and although the sympathetic simplicity in his work may be perceived as immature, to me that is exactly the point; part verlaine, part versace. as a bit of a romantic myself, i can completely identify with the nineteenth century anxieties and melancholy associated with his imagery.