the incredible thing about the photography of food is how it becomes a near physical stimulation. this science/art of conveying the most attractive and appetising elements of food is surely in the hands of michael roulier. his talent for photography has been proven again of late with ‘le livre blanc d’anne sophie pic by coffret, éditions hachette - 2013’ where he not only displays his mastery of photographing completed dishes but also breathes life into the ingredients. having worked with masters from the culinary world and food companies alike, his images have a particular refinement which transcends attractive and moves right over to edible. he also makes foodfilms which i’ve been getting quite into after the amsterdam food film festival. it surprises me to see such an important element of our daily lives so sparsely represented in comparison to genre’s like fashion films.
the film series that was done for ‘carte noir’ features recipes devoid of dialogue, accompanied by mesmerising sounds and music, highlights the sensual process of making food and succeeds in provoking the viewer’s senses in an ultimately satisfying way; i have certainly had my fill of the personally hosted celebrity-chef-how-to-do-shows and find roulier’s simple approach a more intelligent and rewarding way of sharing the same.