browsing/surfing/cruising the internet has always brought me to a humbling place when i’m faced with all those anonymous faces and places. one of these is new yorker levi jackman foster who sports mr turk swimwear and cycles for a hiv-awareness benefit.
add to this his good looks and great shots (with the camera) and you have it: my choice for president and instagram hero #1.
i believe the contributions that people make with their time, their talents and their inspiration is just as philanthropic and rewarding as those who write big cheques and appear on talk shows. i work in an environment where i have seen countless artist’s creative input and sadly most only get acknowledged when they realise some commercial success. the value of setting people’s dreams and ideas in motion is a great feat and responsibility; so i say merit where merit is due. amen.
having seen nanuk_jf’s pics posted on so many tumblr sites; his prolific images are so inventive and with their positive captions, he should actually have his own filter on instagram. but the crux of it: as my friend R used to say when i complained about arb things - why point out the obvious, why not point out the alternatives? thanks for that.