i’m a hard one to please when it comes to magazines; being brought up on a monthly dose of interview, face and architectural digest since birth. the recipe of successful megalomaniac publications are profoundly transparent and in this also the mental make-up of their readers. i always believe there’s something very common about the common denominator, but that didn’t stop carine roitfeld which is now on issue three of her cr fashion book a year later. although it’s too soon to say, she has made a point though. creating a rag that pushes the boundries that vogue refused to touch. controversiality and economy doesn’t mix well over at condé nast, which has partly to do with their hereditary publishing strength and with the recent dip in their share price. after my review of her book and first issue i feel a duty to revisit it. the magazine has succeeded in utilizing and procuring the endorsement of all the mainstream photographers, models, media and designers, making it a bit passé one could say, were it not for the fact that it has stepped slightly out of bounds of the other players by incorporating a bit more risqué content (such as this latest shoot by bruce weber) although saldly balanced with conventional fashion editorials and relatively predictable (read crowd pleasing) photographic imagery. but i suppose you can’t afford to rock the boat too much at first. i for one am looking forward to see how it plays out and if the mag succeeds in really changing conventional perceptions with it’s commercially delicate approach.