i’m always very interested in the reductionist tendencies in craft and design, especially those that hark back to pre-historical basics. i blame this kind of counter-evolutionary sentiment on the psychological saturation of society. it maybe the return of jean-jacques rousseau’s ‘noble savage’ in me that is responsible for these recent meditations on primitivism and musings on the origins of civilization but it seems to echo loudly in an increasingly evident global search for identity. the iconic nature of these vessels from marcus steel contain an element that is so reminiscent of our shared ancestry, which is probably why i find them so attractive; as a momento of our basic commonalities and a testament to the appreciation of our subsequent diversity. the spirituality captured in these simple patinated shapes and their simple uses is a poignant metaphor for our earliest technologies and although we may consider our advanced development and modern needs far superior, i always find it good practice to remember where we all come from…